Unmasking Chronic Stress Related Illness

Unmasking Chronic Stress Related Illness

About 20 years ago, I walked into the Environmental Health Center of Dallas and took a seat in the waiting room. Barely able to sit up in the chair because of extreme fatigue and pain that radiated throughout my entire body, I looked around and took note of the people...
Living Put Together, Upright, and Whole

Living Put Together, Upright, and Whole

“For the person with creative potential there is no wholeness except in using it.”  ― Robert K. Greenleaf     It was raining, so I didn’t walk. I also didn’t make my protein smoothie for breakfast. Instead, I made pancakes. They were made from spelt flour, but they...
Kingdom Flexibilty

Kingdom Flexibilty

Flexibility: pliant; yielding to influence; characterized by a ready capability to adapt to new, different, or changing requirements. Two of my granddaughters found a clothespin lying on my dresser. They are 6 and 7 years old, and the ensuing conversation they had...