About 20 years ago, I walked into the Environmental Health Center of Dallas and took a seat in the waiting room. Barely able to sit up in the chair because of extreme fatigue and pain that radiated throughout my entire body, I looked around and took note of the people in masks, and others attached to portable oxygen tanks. To this day, I remember the general feeling in the room–hopelessness and fear.

However, as sick as I was, I wasn’t hopeless. I knew Jesus could heal me instantaneously. He had already done so many miracles on my behalf. But, for some reason, He had sent me to this place, and it was here that I came every day for intense treatments that lasted 6 months. On the other side of these treatments (sauna therapy, immunotherapy, vitamin IVs, oxygen therapy, controlled diet, elimination of environmental triggers, etc.), I regained my life.

What had taken my vitality and health? -a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. I was told at the time that there was not a cure and that the only thing the doctors could do was manage my pain with antidepressants and muscle relaxers. Everything in me refused to accept that outcome and I rejected the treatment. I remember thinking, “Nothing about this is getting to the root of the issue. I know that Jesus can heal that root issue and I can be free.” And that’s exactly what He did, as well as teach me how to maintain my healing.

I tell people now who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia that the way out is to be healed spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. I find that people in this condition tend to have gone through a great deal of pain in life. They can usually trace the origin of their condition back to chronic stress and/or unresolved trauma.

In 2020, I had a flashback of walking into that waiting room–except this time, I stood in the middle of the grocery store. As I looked around, I saw a sea of masked faces. Looking closer, I could see fear in the eyes that dared to look back at me. I knew that no matter what, Jesus was going to see us through this season that had just appeared out of nowhere. I also knew that people were going to come out of this encounter with Covid-19, and all that it brought, with stress related issues and illnesses. But in some bazaar way, I felt unusually equipped to help others through it.

This is the premise of Jubilee Seasons. I will spend the summer blogging and creating YouTube videos that speak into the effects of chronic stress and trauma as well as the healing presence of Jesus. I am also working on unveiling natural products that support you in your healing journey.

The scripture says we comfort others with the comfort we’ve been given. I live a full, exciting, joyful life. I want that for you as well!

…and so does Jesus…