How the Power of Prayer Can Do Wonders for Your Body and Mind

In the midst of life uncertainties, it’s vital that we find an anchor that can help ground us, especially at those times when life feels as if it’s spiraling out of control. The answer is prayer, and it’s something we should be doing consistently if we want to view ourselves and life in general through a positive lens. Today, Luke Murray of Council of Neighbors, which strives to unite neighborhoods and communities across the nation, shares some ways that prayer can do wonders for your body and mind.

It makes life’s burdens easier to carry.
Life, in general, can be stressful. Not only do we have to process the dire circumstances occurring worldwide but we also have our own problems and concerns to deal with too.  And eventually, it can seem that one problem compounds another problem until it seems like it’s too much to bear. This is where prayer can come in handy to help us shoulder some of life’s burdens so that they don’t seem quite so difficult to have to deal with.

Prayer raises your expectations
It can be difficult to stay positive, especially when we’ve been dealt with a hard blow or two. This is where experiencing the power of prayer can help raise your expectations so that you see beyond your current situation and that you can still be hopeful for the future regardless.

It can lower your stress levels
Many people suffer from stress-related disorders today and this really comes as no surprise given the fast-paced rate at which technology and the world, in general, are progressing nowadays. Moreover, being more stressed out than we should be can exacerbate a problem even more which can make situations seem ten times worse than they actually are. But with prayer, we can counteract the negative impact of stress on our lives because it provides us with supernatural peace to conquer many of life’s problems unfazed.

It gives you a stronger sense of purpose
If you are struggling to see the wood for the trees when it comes to fulfilling your life’s purpose, having a strong faith can help keep you on the path to seeing that vision come to fruition even on those days when you might not feel like you’re making a lot of progress.

Prayer can improve your mental and physical well-being
Suppose you feel that you’ve let yourself down regarding your physical health. Then prayer can give you the self-motivation to keep pressing on even on those days that are tougher than others. Furthermore, when you feel healed mentally and emotionally, your health will start to matter more and you’ll start to make better choices. However, there is also a practical element when it comes to being fitter and healthier overall; and this usually involves practical steps that you can incorporate into your day even if you have a full work schedule. All you need to do is take those small steps in the right direction such as taking the stairs instead of the lift at work or going for a brisk walk during your lunch or tea time break.  All in all, prayer is your secret weapon to help you navigate life’s difficulties. Moreover, when you pray with faith you can become stronger and more confident within yourself to face those challenging days with a smile on your face without feeling totally hopeless and lost in the difficulty of your situation.

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