“The most powerful and courageous heroes I know are those who bite their tongues when justification, validation, temptation, or vengeance would have them strike with truthful, hurtful words.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich


Ascension: The act of rising or going up–specifically denoting being lifted to a higher level of authority or position.

If we are in need of anything in this season, it is an elevated view or position of ascent. We need heavenly perspective to know how to navigate the unrest and chaos our world is relishing in these days. Before you think I am advocating a dismissal of your voice, let me assure you, I understand that there are things that need to be said. However, I also understand that how we present the words we speak is indicative of who or what we represent. Think about this: A representative shouldn’t be someone who simply acts one way when presenting an idea or product, then lives the opposite in his private life. The word represent literally means that we (re)present, or show again, that which we speak for–we do this by embodying, characterizing, and epitomizing the truth of what we are (re)presenting to those around us.

Because I am a wordsmith, I remind myself often of this scripture, When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.” Proverbs 10:19

Taking a look at our first Psalm of Ascent, scholars are not sure who wrote Psalm 120. It is possibly David while he was being pursued by King Saul. Another theory is that it was a song written by the Israelites during their captivity to the Babylonians. Either way, the author is crying out to God for help as they live in the midst of their dignity being destroyed by a slanderous tongue.

You know that’s what the word devil means, right? –an enemy, an accuser, or a slanderer.

My pastor is working through a series on the fruit of the Spirit. This past Sunday we looked at the fruit of goodness in our lives. Through the scriptures, he showed us that goodness expresses itself four ways:

  1. Goodness will do good to all (including those who see themselves as our enemies).
  2. Goodness corrects what is wrong.
  3. Goodness supports what is right.
  4. Goodness overcomes evil with good.

You may watch the service on July 12, 2020 at: https://www.facebook.com/FreedomFellowshipIntl/videos/2858395064271095

According to this description, goodness shines brightly when we find ourselves in circumstances that mimic our Psalmist. However, in our culture, we have been taught to either “cancel” anyone who disagrees with us, or to shame them through our words so they don’t get the best of us. Very rarely are we taught the value of submitting ourselves to God in the midst of the devil’s tactics and overcoming evil with good. And yet, this is the way in which we as Christians are called to live–no matter the times or the seasons.

Notice the hostility by which the Psalmist is surrounded. “Too long have I had my dwelling among those who hate peace” (Psalm 120:6 ESV). He couldn’t just “cancel” those around him who were bent on constant conflict. He needed God to intervene on his behalf and bring about peace.

Have you ever thought about this: We as Christians don’t get to identify others as enemies. Do we have those who see themselves as our enemies? –Yes. Are there those who are enemies of the cross? –Paul said so. Do we have a real, spiritual enemy that we need to take seriously? –Absolutely. Can we set healthy boundaries with people so as to protect that which is vital for a healthy soul and godly relationships? –We must.

But, we do well when we identify ourselves in like manner to our Psalmist. He knew his role in the midst of his difficulty was one of a peacemaker. “I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war” (Psalm 120:7 ESV). Will you let me challenge you today to take stock of the words you speak in our charged environment? Ask yourself if you are walking in the fruit of goodness that certainly speaks the truth so that others might experience freedom; or if your words are bent on continually stirring an “us against them” mentality.

Those who are for peace bring everything to the foot of the cross and pray for genuine reconciliation–especially the heart of that one who has been ensnared by the devil and acts as your enemy.