“Use those talents you have. You will make it. You will give joy to the world. Take this tip from nature: The woods would be a very silent place if no birds sang except those who sang best.” ~ Bernard Meltzer

This ends our series on the Creative Personality. I thought it appropriate to look at our last creative quality again since it really addressed two different ideas: pain and enjoyment. Pain should never have the final word. It didn’t with Jesus and it shouldn’t with us. With this in mind, let’s look one more time at Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s tenth quality of highly creative people:

  1. Creative people’s openness and sensitivity often exposes them to suffering and pain, yet also to a great deal of enjoyment.

When I finished my second year in college, my husband suggested that I get away to rest and recoup from a grueling year. I opted for the beautiful Texas Hill country – specifically the town of Fredericksburg. For those who have never been, Fredericksburg is known for its vineyards, quaint shops, and German food. It’s also known for its tranquil landscapes as it is nestled among rolling hills and lush greenery. I stayed in a cozy hotel within walking distance of shops and restaurants. I laid out by the pool and read my book. I spent time praying and regaining perspective, all of which was restful and needed. But I had a unique goal that I wanted to achieve while there. I was determined to see bats swarm out of a cave at sunset.

I followed the signs to the caves that led me deep into the hillside. I reached the lookout place early and was joined by just a few others. The forest rangers began to address each of us individually to tell us that they had not seen the bats consistently this year. They wanted us to know that we could wait, but it was highly unlikely that we would witness what we came to see. When others arrived, the Rangers began to teach us all things related to bats: what a swarm sounds like, why they swarm together, and why they were so important to the eco-system. They were very educated on the behavior of bats and truly loved being able to enlighten us. They could certainly be considered experts in their field.

I, however, didn’t want to know about bats – I wanted to experience bats. I had also prayed (really, I did) that Father would allow me this experience. Deeply disappointed, I started back down the long road before our lesson was over. It was getting dark and I wanted to make sure that I made it back safely. About halfway down the road, there was a clearing in the trees. I noticed a tremendous amount of activity flying over the canyon and I heard a deep whirring noise. I kept thinking that these birds had such a strange flight pattern. They seemed to dart about in sharp angles instead of gliding through the air. It suddenly dawned on me, those were not birds! It was the bats! I pulled over to the side of the road and got out. Thousands of bats were darting all around. Some were so close they would touch me with their wings before they made a sharp turn in their flight pattern. I cannot describe to you the immense joy that I experienced standing in the midst of a swarm of bats. It was thrilling!

Evidently, the bats had been exiting from a different cave mouth than what they had always done. The experts were certainly knowledgeable and weren’t wrong about what they had been teaching. It’s just that they had allowed their expectations of what the bats would do to crystalize. There was a shift within the bat’s habitat that changed their behavior and those who had grown accustomed to the way things had always been, didn’t feel the shift.

Let me say to you Creative One, there are many respected voices speaking of a spiritual shift that has taken place. Those that want to remain crystallized in their viewpoint are sure to miss it. But those willing to step out into new territory may find that their creativity is used to bring new perspective to the way things have always been done. I believe that this is the year that the Lord’s scribes – those with a heart to write Kingdom-minded material – will find their true place in ministry. Some of you feel as though you have been stuck in a cave for quite some time and have lost your way out. You’ve been in a season of dying to what you have always known. You’ve had to learn to be fluid instead of clinging to old assignments in an attempt to be faithful. And now, it’s time to emerge from the cave. Following Jesus will always take us through death experiences, but he will never leave us there! Jesus is all about resurrection. If you can’t seem to find your way out of the cave, look again. There is a stone being rolled away that reveals a new way out. The cave has served its purpose – and now it’s time to take flight.